Studio Policies
Class Cancellations
Extreme Weather or Unexpected Interruptions: If classes are canceled, you will be allowed to make them up. Cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted on the website homepage. You will also receive an email regarding any cancellations.
Substitute Teachers
We reserve the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regular teacher is ill, injured or otherwise unable to teach.
Food and Beverages
Food and beverages are not permitted in the dance studios or the dressing rooms. Water bottles are permitted in class. Food and beverage must remain in the lobby or in areas designated for eating. We have a NO gum policy.
Regular attendance is necessary in order to make progress in class. Dancers who miss more than 3 meetings of a specific class during the Winter/Spring Term may not be permitted to perform in that dance in the June Recital. Participation will be at the teacher and Artistic Director’s discretion. Private lessons may be required in order to catch up. Classes missed during the student’s Spring Break will be excused absences. Attendance at the Studio Run Thru and Theatre Dress Rehearsal is also required of all recital participants.
Students who arrive more than 15 minutes after class has begun may be asked to sit on the side and not participate. This is due to the possibility of injury without proper warm-up. Teacher discretion will be used.
Recital Costumes
Payment for June recital costumes will be added onto the Winter/Spring tuition.
Class Cancellations
We reserve the right to cancel or move a class if there are less than 5 students registered.
Parent Visitation
Parents are allowed to wait in lobby during classes. No parent is allowed further than the lobby.
Class Absences and Make-ups:
If you are going to be absent, please email the studio so we can notify the teacher. Dancers have the option to make up a class by attending a class of the same genre and level, same genre and lower level, or at the entry level of a genre they haven’t tried before. Classes must be made up within one month of being missed. Please email the studio to arrange a time for a make-up lesson.
Dancers with injuries preventing them from participating in class are encouraged to come watch their classes. There is a lot of learning that can happen through observation.
Withdrawing from a Class
A withdrawal form must be received to drop a class. Withdrawals are only accepted until before the 3rd meeting of a class, or with a signed letter of medical necessity. If a student drops after attending 1-2 classes, the price per class attended will be deducted from the refund. After the 3rd class the only way to get a refund is with a medical letter of necessity. The price per class attended up until this point will be deducted from the refund.
Code of Conduct
Respect for teachers and other students is expected from everyone at Dance On Broadway. We reserve the right to suspend, dismiss, or refuse services to anyone whose attitude or behavior is deemed detrimental to others at the school. Rough housing, climbing on or hanging from barres, throwing objects, and running are not allowed in the lobby, hallways or studios. Only faculty members are allowed to operate the sound systems.
Lost or Stolen Items
Dance On Broadway is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please do not leave purses, mobile phones or other valuables unattended in the lobby or dressing rooms. A lost and found box is kept in the lobby. Articles remaining in the box for an extended period time will be donated to charity.
DRessing Rooms, Bathrooms, Diaper Changers
Please change clothing in the dressing rooms, not the bathrooms. Diaper changing is only allowed in the bathrooms which are both equipped with changing tables. Please do not flush anything down the toilets except for toilet paper.